Sainsbury's Basics Blog

Thursday, April 20, 2006

A basic hello

Welcome to my new Sainsbury's Basics Blog! As a student in London, money is tight. With tuition fees, rent, books, field trips, online poker, ebay and binge drinking, how are we supposed to afford to buy food? Well, those lovely people at J Sainsbury's plc. have answered our prayers and introduced the Basics Range. A loaf of bread for 19p! 4 loo rolls for 40p! A packet of noodles for 8p! Bargain mountain. They are like the prices our parents had. So join me in a celebration of everything that is Basic at Sainsbury's - From candles to table water, from corned beef to loo roll, from cheese spread to sanitary towels.*

First up is the Basics Meat Lasagne. 'But what kind of meat?' you ask. Well, at 86p it could be squirrel for all I care. I do enjoy the Basics ready meals, and I will be featuring the rest of the range in the future. I am not too impressed by this one though, it is the runt of the Italian Basics litter. I find the cheese and pasta layers go rock hair and around the edges form an impenetrable bond with the plastic tray. Also it is about 7p more expensive than the Cheese and Tomato Pasta and Spaghetti Bolognaise.

Yumminess: 6/10
Cheapness: 7/10 - 86p
Fillingness: 7/10
Microwaveability: 8 minutes - No pealing back the film and stirring, but you have to let it stand for a minute half way through.

*wings included!


Blogger Robbing The Dead said...

Was that supposed to go somewhere else?

12:13 PM  
Blogger Hovercat said...

arf. Rock hair.

I hate it when pasta does that.

Nice idea for a blog, by the way :)

2:10 AM  

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