Sainsbury's Basics Blog

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Basically, I am angry!

Basically I am quite annoyed that my local Sainsbury's has got rid of most of the Basics food range! Luckily there are still some food products on sale as well as other non-food stuffs. But don't fret fellow Basicers! I will be moving home to my parents soon and our local Sainsbury's will be full of Basics crap for the local poor folk. Anyway, last week I fancied a bit of fish, so had a peruse down the sea-food aisle where I stumbled upon Sainsbury's Basics Salmon Fillets. Now, I know that Salmon isn't as posh as it used to be, but I still found Basics Salmon a bit jarring. If you are familiar with the Basics range you will know that each product has a slogan on it which basically explains why it's shit. The Salmon Fillets have the slogan "Different Shapes" which is Basic for "The odd bits from the fish monger's floor".

They tasted alright, but a bit too fishy. Now, don't say "yeh 'cos it's fish", you know what I mean! Certain sea-food is fisher than others. Cod is quite bland whereas crab is very fishy. This tasted a bit crabby. And talking of crabs, in the fish aisle I also spied "Basics Sea-Food Sticks". Not Crab Sticks, no, that would mean it had something natural, tasty and healthy in it. I didn't buy them because I was feeling a bit sick at the time and the very thought of them almost made me throw up. I just know they are going to taste rank. The salmon cost £1.45 which isn't that cheap - proper Basics are less than a quid.

Sainsbury's BasicsSalmonn Fillets - Different Shapes

Cooking time: 0 minutes = 10/10
Tastability: Quite nice = 7/10
Cheapness: £1.45 = 5/10
Microwaveability: I had to use an "oven": 0/10


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